Expressing your real feeling to somebody you love can be challenging sometimes. You will sometimes wonder a lot before expressing it. You will be hesitating a lot sometimes but, in the end, you should decide whether you should express it or let it die inside of you…

In case you want to express it here is one of my best favorite love declarations I got from the Tv series Virgin River season 2 to help you get inspiration.

“I need you to know how I feel… I love you. I love that you can make me laugh even when I don’t want to. I love you that you listen more than you talk. I love you were just willing to be my friend. I love you build me a home. I love you waking up next to you. You know I feel safe. Even when you’re not there. I am so sorry that I pushed you away. I just thought that by protecting my heart I couldn’t get hurt… But, the thought of not having you in my life is so painful… I can…” - Melinda Monroe, Virgin River Season2, Episode 9

Indeed, in this scene that I quote and share with you, I love how she completely lets her guard and walls down. She is finally accepting how Jack feels about her. By telling him how she feels she is risking love because it is worth it. Such a beautiful scene. Martin and Alexandra have such great chemistry.

I also love how Melinda Monroe’s walls came down, it was truly beautiful and emotionally to watch. Some series make you wait a whole life for two people to acknowledge their love or feeling for each other. It’s honestly kind of wasting time for the audience.

So, we think Netflix, thanks to the writers for the Tv series. Honestly, it is a good series pure and natural. I hope for the fifth season soon.
